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How to Get Rid of Blackheads

Illustration of blackheads
pull blackheads

We’ve designed a treatment suited to help erase blackheads and keep your skin looking healthy.

Step 1 – Cleanse: Use a blackhead fighting cleanser.

Use a cleanser that has a blackhead fighting medicine to help clear blackheads and prevent new ones from forming. CLEAN & CLEAR® BLACKHEAD ERASER® Scrub contains salicylic acid, which is a proven and effective blackhead fighting medicine, and exfoliating multi-action beads that unclog your pores.

Step 2 - Tone: Use a toner to keep your skin’s pH levels balanced and healthy

The second most important step in a skincare routine is to go after any dirt left hiding in your pores by using a toner after you wash your face. We recommend the CLEAN & CLEAR® Blackhead Clearing Astringent for blackhead prone skin.

Step 3 – Moisturize!

Use a moisturizer to keep your skin feeling soft and smooth. Make sure you select a moisturizer with an oil-free formula like CLEAN & CLEAR® Dual Action Moisturizer. It can help moisturize dry skin while fighting blackheads

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